LA Shield w/ Single Lower Panel LA Shield w/ Single Lower Panel Quantity in Basket: None Code: L9 Price: $38.00 Shield Style: Patriot Subdued Patriot Rawhide Patriot Standard Color of Shield: - White Red Black Blue Green Orange Yellow Pink Purple Rawhide Panel A: Color of Panels: White Red Black Blue Green Orange Yellow Gold Pink - Purple Color of Panel Lettering: White Red Black Blue Green Orange Yellow Gold Pink - Purple - RG1 RG2 RG3 RG4 RG5 RG6 RG7 RG8 RG9 RG10 RG11 RG12 RG13 RG14 RG15 RG16 RG17 RG18 RG19 RG20 RG21 RG22 RG23 RG24 RG25 RG26 RG27 RG28 RG29 RG30 RG31 RG32 RG33 RG34 RG35 RG36 RG37 RG38 RG39 RG40 RG41 RG42 RG43 RG44 RG45 Plaque: - Plaque w/ Shield Plaque w/ Shield and Brass Plate Plaque Brass Plate Text (3 lines, 50 ltrs/spaces MAX): Quantity:
LA Shield w/ Single Lower Panel